What you need to know to figure out when to start seeds:
How long does it take for your plant to mature or produce fruit?
Planting dates listed below
Which zone am I in?
If you have missed a seed starting date just give it a try anyway, I am always surprised by the great harvests I get from plants that were started "late". I have had success with planting up to a month after the recommended date. Just be aware of how many growing days you have left in the season to avoid disappointment.
When the long awaited planting date has finally arrived!!!!
It is best to plant Cabbage, Kale and Native flowers first. They have some resistance to the cold.
Waiting an additional week for tomatoes and peppers is recommended incase of that last frost we usually get in May. Other wise have a blanket handy to cover plants with if that dreaded frost does come along. Covering the plants overnight is a great defense against frost.